Sunday, 26 June 2016

Death Of Traditional Marketing...!!!

Traditional marketing — including advertising, public relations, branding and corporate communications — is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they’re operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear.
First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Several studies have confirmed that in the “buyer’s decision journey,” traditional marketing communications just aren’t relevant. Buyers are checking out product and service information in their own way, often through the Internet, and often from sources outside the firm such as word-of-mouth or customer reviews.

To begin with, consumers are simply not listening to traditional marketing strategies any longer. The effectiveness of billboard ads, television commercials, radio spots, magazine centerfolds, and newspaper ads is waning. Consumers have been so inundated with these strategies for so long that the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns has worn off. Also, consumers don't want to get their information from the brand selling products. They prefer to gather information from other sources such as social media and blogs.

Another reason why traditional marketing is falling out of style is the cost to effectiveness ratio. Traditional marketing requires businesses to hire teams of marketers to evaluate consumer populations, perform research, develop strategies, buy ad space, hire artists and copywriters, and pay to distribute marketing strategies throughout the nation. New marketing strategies, like social media marketing and blogging, cost almost nothing in comparison. Which marketing strategies are businesses seeking? It comes as no surprise that many brands are choosing the more cost-effective route.

The problem is that these traditional marketing strategies simply cannot compete with the popularity of alternative marketing strategies that are being employed by savvy businesses. New marketing professionals know how to relate to the modern consumer.

One of the largest differences between traditional and digital marketing is the scope of each strategy. Traditional marketing uses fewer resources, and because of this, the audience will be very specific and targeted. Although digital marketing does see some targeting of its audience, the content is largely available to the public as a whole, dramatically increasing its scope.

Even as digital marketing becomes more popular, the traditional techniques still have their place. Customers tend to be used to these advertisements, and they are also excellent for reaching local audiences. In addition to the increased scope of digital marketing, the increase in interaction makes it more desirable for many companies. Additionally, it makes it much easier to measure the effectiveness of an ad campaign. Although digital marketing is gaining in popularity, most companies are still using both strategies, with a slight emphasis on digital ads.

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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Trends In Digital Marketing For 2016

For some time, there has been increasing talk of a need for a 'post-digital marketing world' marketing world where the use of digital media and technology in marketing has become so ubiquitous we no longer complete separate "digital marketing activities" since they should be fully integrated and simply part of marketing. This thinking is partly driven by changes in consumer media consumption where they continue to consume content in different formats without consciously thinking about which devices or channels. The 'post-digital' thinking is also driven by problems of managing marketing activities in a business where a common problem with upskilling in digital is that 'digital silos' are created where different parts of marketing and their agencies don't communicate effectively giving rise to campaigns that don't work across media.

Here are the five digital marketing trends that will deliver genuine value if you prioritize them in 2016.
1. Personalization
2. Automation
3. Device optimization
4. Context aware content
5. Social Media

Dynamic customization is another ‘one to implement’ in 2016 if you haven’t already. It covers a wide area but you can use it to personalize email content according to given and observed customer data. Tracking engagement within an automated campaign can also help to determine where interest appears to be significant enough to warrant a call from your sales team.

Context aware means going even further beyond personalized and mobile-compatible content. It means actually responding to a customer’s environment and behaviors. Knowing your prospect’s online habits and social preferences – even their location – can enable dynamic, real-time marketing activity to engage them, rather than haphazardly firing out generic content in the hope that some of it will stick. Email marketing is delivered directly to the customer, while social media platforms provide compelling content to draw the customer in. When coordinated in synergy, the outcome can be extremely effective.

Companies will be able to interact with customers through Facebook’s messenger app. In return consumers will be able to buy online through the app, receive order notifications via instant messaging, tell their friends about their purchases and share what they bought, all without having to go to the e-commerce site they want to buy from. AdWords has given all digital marketers an early Christmas present this year with their reveal of Identity-Based Pay-Per-Click Marketing. You can now target people with specific ads, wait for it, based on their phone number or email. That means that you can direct ads or content, that exactly answers a need or want, to a targeted individual person.

Fore more details visit

Sunday, 19 June 2016

What is the difference between digital marketing and inbound marketing?

In this era of digital connect, and the rapidly changing business environment, it is imperative that business keep pace with the digital transformation. The challenges for business is numerous, which includes the rapidly changing customer preferences, technology evolutions, business models, supply chain, manufacturing, marketing, customer service to name a few.

With more than half of the world population using internet, it is very critical for marketers also understand this trend and use this as an effective way to connect with their customers. While traditional marketing is very critical, at the same time organisations need to make sure that the marketing investments need to be made in the digital front too. With marketing in internet  is still evolving, one of the key aspects which is deeply discussed and often confusing is topic around inbound and digital marketing, marketers would always want to understand which one I should choose for their business.

Even though I haven't seen neither a clear definition nor any recommendation, but the way I see Inbound Marketing is about building a strategy which includes creating a learning experience for your customers which is very dynamic and experiential all through the buying cycle for your prospective customers. This is more of a methodology to nurture the leads the marketers are getting and providing context sensitive information to enable the decision making for the prospective customers.

Digital marketing on the other hand is more of tactical implementation approach which typically include techniques like email marketing, internet advertising, content marketing, social media marketing, location based marketing. Based on the need and focus of the business any of these techniques. If the organisation focus is towards brand building you could look at social media marketing and/or content marketing. If you want some targeted lead generation you could look at email marketing and/or location based marketing.

For more details please visit

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

A step towards Digital Marketing

The new age internet became an experiment ground for various innovative applications - like Social Networks, E-Commerce, Mobile Apps, Video Channels, Photo Sites, Search Engines and so on. With the inherent free nature of internet, these applications become quite compelling - mobilizing large users - leading to their explosive growth on internet. Facebook, for instance, claims 1 Billion+ users across globe today. Twitter claims over 100 million active users per month with 250 million tweets a day.

Soon, then, these application providers realized commercial/monetization possibilities from its large users and community bases. This led to privatization of internet – by building channels - Like
·         Search Channels (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
·         Social Channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest to name a few)
·         Online Retail and B2B Channels (Amazon, Alibaba & E-Bay)
·         Entertainment Channels (Netflix, YouTube)

These channels made some of the biggest disruption in the history of businesses.
Amazon for instance, became the biggest Book Store beating the then biggest Brick & Mortar Store – Barnes & Nobles.

To exploit the internet age we at PiChakra, provide products and solutions which enables effective deployment of digital marketing services.

Our core focus is to help our client with internet  marketing - SEO (on-page and off-page), email marketing, internet advertising - adwords, adsense, bingads, social media marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, mobile app development, business analytics which includes search analytics (traffic analytics), marketing analytics (social media & advertising analytics), sales analytics (sales conversion analytics).

Our services can also extend to brand management and marketing management.

We also support our customers by creating their online presence like building scalable websites, social media presence, mobile friendly websites, e-commerce enablement (Presta Shop, Woo Commerce)

To boost the online presence and to identify up-sales & down-sales opportunitieswe run specific viral campaigns, contests, design banners, design landing pages, squeeze pages with UTM tracking to analyse the effectiveness of the campaigns.

 We understand Skyscraper technique for turning content into high quality backlinks. To enable this, our team spends quality time researching popular trends, competitor analysis, keyword analysis, topics on areas and industry of the client businesses.

On social media we do Audience analysis, Content analysis, Sentiment analysis, Traffic analysis, and Engagement analysis to help businesses increase the sales.
Audience Analysis
It is very important to ensure that you are building a relevant audience, hence its important to assess your audience growth and compare this with your competitors on a regular basis.
Content Analysis
Creating and sharing content is an expensive task. On a regular basis you need to analyse your content (type of content – Video, pictures or test; mix of content etc) to see what’s working/not working.
Sentiment Analysis
This is a very critical aspect of social media and to understand the buzz one need to analyse positive, negative, or neutral mentions of your product or service.
Typically you will want to generate traffic back to your website from content you share and you’ll need to measure the impact of that traffic on lead generation and sales.
Engagement Analysis
It is also important to monitor, because you expect varying degree of engagement by your audience for the content. If wrong content or the wrong audience then you will see no one is engaging with your content.
You need to understand your audience which could be typically one of the following:
Tepider – People that monitor what you share but don’t interact.
Influencer – People that have access to a larger audience and have the potential of influencing this audience.
Engager – People that are more active in your community

You are welcome to visit our website for more details.